You must of seen many transformation videos from Afros to waves in a day or so. But is this really possible in a day.
The answer is it depends.
When going from afro to waves if your hair isn’t already conditioned to wave up you might not get the results you’re looking for.
But,If you have already put the work in to getting waves. They should come back fairly quickly. Even if you stopped doing your waves a couple months ago you can get them going again in a day or two.
However on the other side if you never had even one wave lol or it’s been a years you’re going to have to put in some work.
Nothing wrong with that. It might not be as fast as you thought. Just prepping you so you don’t get upset if you don’t get the results you’re looking for.
You definitely can get 360 waves or 180 waves in a day with no wave experience but it won’t be instant. Like some ramen noodles.
Even if you get two or three waves don’t think it’s anything wrong with you. Keep brush, applying product, and ragging up. Oh yeah you can get some brushes or fashionable durags here. If not cool.
Just don’t give up. Everything thing worth it takes time.
Look at all the OGs before they became an elite waver they were a beginner. I’m going to keep it 100 with the beginners and look for the best ways to get you your results in the fastest time.
Definitely don’t want you discouraged and quitting after a day or two.
We all want to unrag and have those waves bussin making everyone turn their heads and wishing it could be them.
It’s just a little process involved to get there. Other than that more posts coming soon I try to keep it kind of short so you don’t lose interest. You know where to get your durags and brushes. Peace for now