Drippy Rags is a lifestyle for people who express themselves. These are wearing velvet durags how they like it

Drippy Rags - Premium Velvet Durags for Waves

Drippy Rags Premium Velvet Durags

Our Velvet Durags are Essential to any new to elite wavers from 180 , 360 , 520 , or 720 Wavers arsenal. We offer a variety of durag colors to match your outfit and keep your 360 waves on point.

Everyone loves a good durag velvet moment. Take a picture and make it last

Benefits of Wearing Our Velvet Durag

🔥 LUXURIOUS VELVET FABRIC - on the outside, satin smooth inside

🔥 COMFORTABLE & STYLISH - great for fashion!

🔥 HIGHEST QUALITY - Highest quality 4-way-stretch velvet compression material.

We pay attention to every detail. Luxury feel and finest quality inspected to keep you satisfied.

🔥 OUTSIDE SEAM - No line down the center of your head so you can drip how you want to.

🔥 SIZE - The durags have 40-inch-long wide straps which make it easy for styling and you can wrap it around easily without any problem. NOT to tight NOT too loose!

🔥 WAVES - Dreads, Braids NO Problem! No headache on the drip side. Let those other durags go because Drippy Rags is the only world renowned durag you can rely on!!!

🔥 FUNCTIONAL & ELEGANT FEEL - keep you smooth and in style all day and perfect for all seasons. Colors are vibrant and don’t look dusty. These durags lock in moisture will not soak up your hair products and gives maximum comfort.

Material: light to medium weight, velvet with inside 4 way stretch spandex blend


If the words Elite Durag Waves sounds good to you check us out! The best velvet durags for sale on the market!


Helpful Links
Click here Looking to learn how to tie a durag and learn about different durag styles
Check out our silk durags
How to clean a velvet or any other durag
Get some cool durags here
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